3D Skethes

There are some my projects in 3D visualisation skethes:

1. Vodka Roberto Cavalli
2. Vodka Roberto Cavalli
3. BMW lounge
4. Gold & black
5. International Conference (PromarketGroup)
6. President lounge (PromarketGroup)
7. AUDI (Rona Martin Production)
8. AUDI car exibition (Rona Martin Production)
9. Entrance for event
10. Entrance for event
11. Casino Royale style
12. Marlboro – one night club
13. Wedding party  (Private production)
14. Wedding party (Private production)
15. Subaru exebition – plan (Target production)
16. Bank booth
17. Booth
18. Scenery Stage for the play Casablanca
19. Coffee corner
20. Lounge (Rona Martin production)
21. Mitsubishi

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